Saturday, September 30, 2006

The horizon becomes clear

Well... I'm still around. The site is still up. The forums were down for a while, but I got them back up.

I finally have a new computer (woot Mac Pro) and I'm waiting on the logic update for the intel processors.

So in theory, there will be new udr music in the near future. I hope.

Sorry I've been out of touch for so long. Between the army and warcraft, my free time gets devoured quite effectively. There's a lot of friends who I've more or less lost contact with and I feel bad about that. If you're one of them. Know that I'm still around. I check my email more than anything (incl. myspace) so that's the best way to get a hold of me.

If you don't have it, there's links around here somewhere. He's the anti email harvesting bot version udr at mac dot com. Hrm... I'll bet those bots can figure that out, oh well.

Take care everyone. I'll try (again) to keep this site a little more updated. Go use the forums so they don't get deleted again. dotmac doesn't support mysql or whatever so I can't make my own phbb thingy. Not that I could even if it were available. Web designer I am not... anymore at least. All that fancy new stuff is too complicated for me these days.

Peace love and sub atomic crowd control...

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