Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cantonment EP

I've decided Cantonment is going to be an EP with 6 tracks, possibly some remixes. Cantonment, being a place where soldiers live. It seems somewhat appropriate to leave it as music I wrote and or reworked while I've been in the army. Though the combination of this EP and a long hiatus has essentially killed the Prometheus (working title) album that was scheduled for 2006-2007 originally. Most of the newer material is from what that album could have been.

I also think holding out for later this year or even early next year while I put together more tracks isn't really fair to those who might want to buy the album. Especially when the music I'm writing now is somewhat different than these revamped tracks from 1999-2005. That being said, there is a lot of unfinished songs from 2006 that might not fade away completely.

I'm looking forward to what the future holds. I'll be heading to school at the Art Institute of Seattle for the Audio Design Tech program. Huzzah for the post 9/11 GI Bill. Though they keep hacking away at the benefits. All in all, it's far better than the Montgomery GI Bill that I joined up for, so I can't complain.

I'm heading back to the states for a few weeks pretty soon. I plan on hooking my trusty macbook pro up to my lobotomized studio that sits idle while I'm off in Korea. Giving the 6 tracks a final once over with some real reference monitors.

Hopefully around May, there will be a Cantonment EP for sale somewhere. I've so far only released promo materials to a handful of people. Though with the ability to record audio from preview only streaming tracks, I'd imagine anyone could get my music for free. The next album is likely to be fairly hush hush until it's about ready.

I think I'm rambling a bit. It's almost midnight here and I'm running on 2 hours of sleep from last night. TGIF for sure. Well, tomorrow is Friday for me. It's nice being 17 hours ahead of the west coast sometimes.

Love and other indoor sports,

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