Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm still here.

Music has been on the back burner for a long time now.

I've more or less got my studio back up and running. I still need a few odds and ends before everything is working right. I've let life get in the way of writing music. Life and various other forms of entertainment anyway.

I have tried my hand at a few new tracks, things are going slowly though. Life is good-ish and there's not much to bitch about in my songs ;)

Well, it's over 100 degrees in my apartment, my computer and associated music equipment are cranking out some serious BTUs and making it even hotter. I suppose I could write a song about how much summer sucks in the Pac NW, but you'd hear an awful fan noise int eh background from both the fan in the window and my computer fan going all out to keep my processor under 120° F.

All in all, just wanted to update my blog so the world didn't think UDR has completely died. I'm here, I've got new gear and before I deploy again sometime next year, I want to get something done.

So cheers to that.

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